History of Clemson Cru
Cru began at Clemson in 1966 and was known as Campus Crusade for Christ. It grew out of the 1966 Billy Graham Crusade in Greenville's Textile Center. About a dozen students attended the Counselor Training Classes in Anderson, and one of them, Jerry Mobley, became the first "Student Mobilization Leader" at Clemson. The ministry was primarily a student led movement with no full-time staff members until 1976.
In the fall of 1976, Doug and Susan Anderson arrived as the first full-time staff members, to give direction to the student-led ministry. Since 1970, Cru at Clemson has continued its emphasis of taking the gospel to the campus and the world through evangelism and discipleship.
Presently, over 100 students are involved in small group Bible studies. Over 120 Students from this movement have gone into full-time missions in the past twenty-five years as the impact from Clemson is felt around the world.